Google comes up with this new technology for journalists

Google is coming out with more innovative ideas to help the news industry use Artificial Intelligence (AI). Google is coming out with more innovative ideas to help the news industry use Artificial Intelligence (AI). For this, the company has tied…

UX not equal to UI

The Acronyms Unveiled The people you have eavesdropped on are actually discussing two professions that despite having been around for decades, and in theory for centuries, have been defined by the tech industry as UX and UI Design. UX Design…

Tube strike ahead

Tube strike on Wednesday 7 and Thursday 8 November. The Central and Waterloo & City lines will have very limited or no service throughout the day on 7 November, with normal services resuming the next day. The Piccadilly line will…

Do I need a Google Maps API key?

By default the website builder uses open source maps on the pages of your website. If you prefer to use Google maps, you need an API key to load your maps on your website. An API key is a code that is used…