9 Common Myths About SEO That You Need To Debunk In 2022

Reading Time: 4 minutes

So, you want to be at the top of the search list?

But, how much of SEO do you actually know?

You might have a lot of articles, watched a lot of videos, and you keep up with all the SEO news as well. Still, it wouldn’t make you an expert unless you are able to distinguish between the truth and the myth.

Among all the information circulating around the internet, the truth can sometimes get lost among the myths.

Thus, you always need to be aware of the myths before recollecting the truth out of them. 

So, before you start optimizing your website and content based on SEO, learn about the false suggestions which will never work.

We can get very overwhelmed and try to SEO optimize every line and word on our content at times. However, SEO is not about how much you do; it is about how well you do it.

This excerpt will discuss two important topics that are crucial to marketing today.

Why SEO is so important & What Are The Common Myths That You Need To Debunk?

If you feel like you need some help with your SEO, then click https://www.digitechwebdesignaustin.com/.

What Is SEO So Important?

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the genius solution to mankind when it comes to standing out in a crowd.

Now that we have all kinds of content over the internet, it is expanding like the universe. So then, how will people get to your content?

If Google indexes your blog or website, it is there; but how will your target audience know about your existence?

Let’s face it; no one is scrolling through the internet for hours to get to you. So, you have to get to them. This is where the magic of SEO comes in.

Through keyword optimization, affiliate marketing, content marketing, backlinks, images, tags, etc., Your potential audience is able to reach you when they search for certain familiar terms.

Ten Common Myths About SEO

Now you know what you need for SEO. So, let’s understand the suggestions you need to avoid when it comes to SEO.

If you are not getting enough results even after a thorough SEO optimization, maybe one of these could be the cause.

1. Only Longer Blogs Rank

Yes, your blogs should contain all the information, or else people will start clicking out of your website.

This is not good for Google’s algorithm because the number of bounce rates gives your website a bad name. 

That being said, it is not always about more than 3000 words of content. You can have smaller blogs as long as they have keyword optimization and everything that an audience is looking for.

2. Images Don’t Matter

Images are just for decoration!

That is not true.

If you use an image that is closest to the written blog, google will automatically identify them and put them under their image search.

There is a lot of exposure that you can get when someone clicks on the image, and it redirects you to your blog page.

3. It Is All About High Keyword Density

This is where most people go wrong.

Yes, there is a keyword density, but it depends on the word limit of your article. For example, you can’t have a thousand-word article and put the keyword twice in every paragraph.

Worse, Google sees it as an attempt to black hat optimization, and the risks even involve your website getting blocked.

4. Position 1 Is #Everything

Some of us still think that if the rank is number one, it is getting all the traffic!

Ranking number one in a search result is very relative. Yes, you can break 1 for a certain keyword, but maybe that keyword has less volume.

As a result, the ranking is high but not the traffic.

5. Long Tail Keywords Doesn’t Help

Rather long tail keywords can be a great form of exposure!

For example, a long-tail keyword would be ‘black shirt with boots.’ Now, this keyword might not have a good search volume. Rather something like ‘black shirt’ might have more.

But, if you are selling boots that would go well specifically with black shirts, getting traffic just from black shirts won’t guarantee customer conversion.

6. Social Media Is Not A Part Of SEO

On the contrary, it is a big part!

Let’s say you have just published a blog, and Google has already indexed it. So you cannot really expect it to run higher just the next day.

However, there is a possibility if you share this over social media where you have a large following. Then, people will click on the blog, and google’s algorithm will catch that.

7. It Is All About Quantity

When you start a blog, you are always under the impression that fresh content every day means more traffic.

No matter the platform, it is always about quality.

You give your audience quality content, and you will reach your SEO goal rather than working day and night.

Having a qualitative plan is always better.

8. More Backlinks More SEO

This is another black hat SEO optimization that can put your website in the ‘black books’ of Google.

You only need backlinks from credible sites, and it will increase your chances of getting noticed by your target audience.

9. You SEO Optimize Just Once

Do not forget about the article once it is published!

It is not always Google’s job to get your blogs and websites to rank. Plus, SEO is always changing, so keep modifying and rectifying your content.

Try using new SEO tools, and check on the SEO advancements every once in a while so that you can implement them in your work.

Debunk The Myths- Decipher The Truth!

By now, you must have understood if there was any myth that was restricting your digital target.

Be careful when you SEO optimize your work. Stay away from the above-mentioned suggestions and work more on the concrete news.