What You Can Do to Protect Your Data Privacy

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Protecting the privacy of your data online is extremely important these days, especially because data breaches have become increasingly common and there is always the threat of cyber criminals who would be more than happy to access your personal details so they could steal, use, and sell that info. But what are some of the ways you can go about ensuring your data will remain private? Check out the tips below to get started.

Use Two-Factor Authentication to Access Your Accounts

It might seem like a bit of a hassle at first, but the extra few seconds it will take to log into an account with two-factor authentication will be worth it. With this in place, you will be sent a code through email or text to ensure that you are the one who is trying to log into your account. Therefore, in the event that someone is able to steal your password and tries to log into your account, they will be stopped because they won’t be able to provide the code that is sent to your computer or mobile device. So, whenever you have the option of turning on two-factor authentication, go for it.

Remove Your Information from People Search Sites

People search sites can certainly be a helpful resource when you want to look up information about someone, such as when you need to verify that someone is being honest with you about who they are and whether or not they have a criminal history. At the same time, however, these platforms might also make it easy for strangers to access some personal information about you. Therefore, if you want to protect your privacy online, consider heading to these sites and opting out of having your information displayed on them. Nuwber and other sites make it easy to do this, so you definitely shouldn’t feel as though you’re forced to have your listings on these platforms.

Avoid Using Public Wi-Fi, and Install a VPN

Public Wi-Fi might be really convenient, but it may make you more vulnerable to hackers who would be able to access your data with greater ease. So, if you are going to be using a public network, consider utilizing a virtual private network, also known as a VPN, that will provide encryption and make it harder for hackers to see what you are doing online.

Use Security Software That Protects Your Computer

Yet another way to protect your privacy online is by installing security software on every computer you use. You could look into implementing solutions that streamline the way you review access permissions for internal systems and ensure appropriate user access. This can provide a layer of protection against hackers, viruses, malware, and other threats that are capable of putting your personal data at risk of being stolen and abused.
Furthermore, if you’re located in San Diego, you can look for hard drive destruction services from companies like Corodata. Safe and professional destruction is the only way to completely remove all traces of data from a hard drive and any type of media, which is why it’s highly recommended in order to avoid data breaches.

Freeze Your Credit

Finally, it is a good idea to consider freezing your credit. This is really easy to do, and it does not take long at all. Basically, by telling the three credit bureaus (TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax) that you want to put a freeze on your credit, no one will be able to open up a new credit card or take out a new loan—including you! This means that, in the event that you do need to open a credit card or take out a loan, you would need to temporarily lift the freeze on your credit so the lender would be able to access your information. A great way to protect your privacy!