6 Innovative Strategies To Improve Customer Experience With AI

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Organizations are becoming more customer-obsessed to reignite growth. Customer experience is becoming a priority for enterprises. Organizations’ marketing strategy is essentially oriented towards optimizing the customer touch points, which functions as the brand’s customer contact points, from start to finish. Understanding the touch point enables the stakeholders to define customer interactions throughout the customer lifecycle and design better customer experiences. It helps them to focus on improving the customer journey and drive customer loyalty.

Where does Artificial Intelligence fit into all of this? AI is enabling organizations to enhance the end-to-end customer journey. Companies are integrating AI in the ongoing process so understanding the customers to provide them with the best possible experience across all touch points. It helps them to drive the experimentation process by using data for dynamic experience delivery. Be it offline or online customer journey, AI is becoming the primary enabler for optimum customer experience. With AI, businesses can outperform their expectations, create more value for existing customers in convenient and intuitive ways, and attract new customers to increase business opportunities.

What are the most common AI strategies digital platforms and retail stores have to improve customer experience? Today’s customers have high expectations, and hence organisations need to deliver the best possible experiences at every stage of the customer journey. Here are some of the innovative AI strategies to use Artificial Intelligence for customer experience.


AI-based automation is transforming businesses and contributing to economic growth. It enables companies to manage warehouses, production lines, manufacturing, data entry, and various other tasks with minimal human assistance. It frees up the employees from the core and repetitive tasks and engages them better in providing quality experiences to the customers. The integration of AI automation in customer experience management helps record sales lead in an error-free manner, capture every possible opportunity, and scale the efforts quickly and efficiently. The process of identifying bottlenecks becomes more accessible, and the accountability of team members increases significantly. The employees can solve customer issues instead of being caught up in time-consuming administrative tasks using automation.

Informed Decision-Making Process

Decision-making helps to identify the marketing challenges and opportunities. It enables the stakeholders to align the business with the demands and expectations of the customers. With this, companies can provide a positive customer experience, promote loyalty, retain customers, and encourage brand advocacy. AI assists companies extensively in the decision-making process. The use of AI-powered analytics tools helps gain access to the historical and current databases, which went through the data annotation process, from various sources and analyzed it to provide insights and trends. In addition, the predictive analytics tool enables the stakeholders to identify key customer experience obstacles along a customer journey and check the impact and effectiveness of any remediation.

Customer Behavior Online and Offline

Companies are increasingly deploying AI and ML models to understand user and shopper intent to identify their decisions or actions toward a particular purchasing event. Using the forecasts and predictions, the seller can create product listings. Companies are deploying AI on different channels to interact with customers. Sentiment Analysis, a Natural Language Processing (NLP) branch, helps to understand the intentions and gauge opinions and customer experiences.

Retail Experience

AI is transforming the operations in retail stores and enabling the stakeholders to provide a better and richer customer experience. For example, AI in audio and video analytics helps retailers capture and interpret the customers’ facial, biometric, and audio cues in-store. It also helps them assess the shelf interaction to understand how much time the customer spends interacting with the product. As a result, AI is enabling retail stores to deliver a high level of experience. 

Real-time Personalization 

Brands need to know their customers as much as the customers need to know the brand. A personalized touch gives leverage to the brand to engage the customer and provide a better experience. AI helps to send out a personalized recommendation to each customer. It has taken personalization to the next level. AI uses customer data from various sources like their search and browsing history, shopping patterns, location data, behavior, and preferences, to deliver personalized content. Personalizing marketing messages helps to effectively target specific audiences, improve brand visibility, build a deeper relationship with customers, and boost sales and conversions.

Logistics and Delivery

Supply chain management is a complex process. Companies use AI to analyze and track data, detect anomalies, generate predictions about a delivery, and better inform customers about the delivery status at every stage in real-time. It enables the customer to track their package. AI supports real-time monitoring of shipment and can predict delays in product delivery while it is en route. As a result, AI is drastically improving the delivery tracking process and improving CX.

To Conclude:

AI is becoming more involved in every stage of the customer journey. AI technologies provide access to customer data and are revolutionizing customer interaction and engagement at every touch point, hence enabling companies to offer a better and improved customer experience.