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How to Write Website Content: Rules to Follow

Reading Time: 3 minutes

All businesses have some online presence these days. Each such social page or website exists due to constant content creation. Texts have become the new and biggest form of communication between businesses and individuals. So, no wonder that content creation is at high value right now. It has been well-written, formatted, and structured to achieve desired goals. Hence, writers and businesses have to follow specific rules. Let’s see how to write strong website content using these seven rules.

Define your content goals

First of all, all content pursues different goals. So, before developing a perfect writing scheme, think about what purposes you wish to achieve with each article. Each writing piece should achieve certain results and help you progress. So, think about what you (your employee/your business) want. For example, an article can be a selling piece with an active call to action that encourages people to order specific services or products. Content can also aim at increasing traffic to the site. Hence, it must be engaging, informative, and answer users’ questions.

Know your audience

Writers should know who they are writing for. Basically, a writer holds a conversation with their readers using text as the medium. Hence, to build a productive and engaging conversation, one needs to know their audience and what they expect, need and want. This is an essential step in building a large audience and creating a loyal bond between a site (business) and users. Fortunately, simple Google research can provide all the necessary information, such as the audience’s gender, age, relationship status, biggest interests, and so much more. Based on this data, you should create a clear reader portrait. Writers should tailor their texts based on the portrait they’ve created.

Start with a hook

Most users don’t go past the first few lines in the text unless they are genuinely interested in the article. Hence, you have one shot at keeping the attention. That’s why most content writers are well-skilled in hook creation. A writing hook is a way to intrigue and engage readers using various techniques such as asking questions, making jokes, busting old myths, promising an intriguing ending, etc. Of course, the right choice of a hook depends on the article’s theme, genre, and purpose. Overall, a reader should feel excited about the promised information and eager to learn more. Needless to say, a writer should always deliver upon their intro promises.

Good structure

Readers should feel comfortable navigating the text. Hence, they expect a clear structure and cohesive composition. Moreover, most of your users will come to the site on mobile devices. It means that they have smaller screens and are quickly scrolling for information. A text without proper paragraph divisions, highlighted sections, or a navigation menu will be terribly uncomfortable on such screens. Writers should always think about how their articles appear on the smartphone screen. Improving text readability will instantly earn you more visits and higher user appreciation. You can see a good example of mobile adoption with this writinguniverse review for students. Such writing also includes creating shorter paragraphs and sentences.

Add visuals

Media plays a big role in articles’ success. People are much better at understanding and memorizing data when it’s delivered or supported by images. In addition, visuals make great breaking points between paragraphs and major ideas. Hence, writers can enrich their texts by adding graphs, images, infographics, etc. Such visuals create a more informative and engaging experience. However, articles aimed at entertainment can also add GIFs (using GIF compressor), short videos, quizzes, maps, and so on. Such elements engage interactivity and encourage readers to continue with the piece.

Non-intrusive CTA

Most blog and business articles end with call-to-action sentences. These last few article lines encourage readers to complete specific actions, whether booking an appointment, contacting the service, purchasing certain items, etc. A well-written CTA can be a potent tool that creates relationships between users and businesses. At the same time, the CTA sentences should be clear and encouraging, so readers can’t miss them. For instance, you may also check out these customer reviews at sitejabber to see what a non-intrusive CTA looks like.

No mistakes

Any errors or grammar mistakes in texts are huge red flags for readers. Nothing will discourage readers more than frequent errors in the texts. So, of course, good articles have to be well-edited and go through several proofreading sessions. It’s always best to wait at least a day before re-reading and editing a paper. Having a second pair of eyes will also be an advantage.

Bottom line

These are only several tactics in a large pool of what is content creation. However, these seven basic rules should already create a solid foundation for any content you are trying to create. As always, the key to good writing is reading and practicing. The more you write and learn, the better you become.

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