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7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Mobile App

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Did you know that over 42% of small businesses already boast a mobile app? It’s common knowledge that mobile apps are gaining popularity as effective tools for retail and marketing. Local businesses are increasingly embracing smartphone and tablet apps, with App Annie predicting that customer app marketplace spending will reach a staggering $156.5 billion in 2023. Mobile apps have become an inseparable part of our daily lives. Almost every business activity can now be facilitated through these dynamic apps.

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#1 Marketing

Small business owners often mistakenly believe that having a website is enough to attract customers. While a website is beneficial, it doesn’t guarantee customers find you. For instance, when someone searches for a local product or service using your company’s name, does your website appear at the top of the search results?

To effectively market your business, consider utilizing mobile apps. They establish a digital presence, allowing direct interaction with customers on their phones, eliminating the need for them to search for you. Moreover, mobile apps help build trust and convenience by enabling customers to easily locate and access your products or services nearby.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of apps for business in different areas. Everything from communication to direct sales goes through them. But this does not mean that a business should only use its application for online shopping, because there are also auxiliary tools. For example, a fax app allows you to organize document flow within the company. To send a fax with an iPhone, you just need to install the application. Online fax ensures compliance with all industry standards and instant delivery of documents.

#2 Direct Messages

Deliver impactful messages to customers at the most optimal rate, enabling business organizations to save money. These messages effectively convert visitors into potential customers. Notifying users with an irresistible offer through push notifications on mobile apps proves as a powerful way to promote businesses.

Mobile apps greatly satisfy user expectations by providing a seamless connection and essential tools for their convenience. Customers find happiness in discovering apps that are easy to use and offer the necessary functionality.

#3 Customer Engagement

Mobile apps can significantly enhance engagement levels when combined with a robust strategy. According to a recent study by Marketing Dive, mobile ad engagement witnessed an impressive 15% increase during the pandemic, particularly among women and users aged 18-34. Moreover, mobile ad engagement consistently outperforms traditional advertising methods. Data from MediaPost revealed that consumers interact with native ads up to 60% more than banner ads.

#4 Brand Recognition and Visibility

Users typically spend approximately 5-6 hours per day on their smartphones, primarily engaging with a small number of apps. However, even during casual scrolling, users catch a glimpse of your app. At first, this might not seem significant, but wait until you grasp the long-term benefit.

Our brains unconsciously register every text and image we encounter throughout the day. When users regularly see your app for business on their phones, it aids in memorizing your brand name. Consequently, your brand’s visibility and awareness effortlessly increase.

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#5 Revenue

Mobile applications provide a personalized shopping experience for customers, simplifying the purchase process and driving sales. A striking illustration of this is the Domino’s Pizza app. Since its launch, the app led to a remarkable 28% increase in sales within the first six months, solely in the UK. Presently, over half of the company’s orders, 52%, are made through their mobile application.

Based on your business type, you can generate additional revenue by monetizing your app through in-app purchases, freemium models, or paid apps. If users find value in your app, they will willingly make payment for it.

#6 Customer Habits

Mobile applications enable the collection, analysis, and tracking of customer data and user activity based on phone usage. With customer permission, you can access information such as app usage, preferences, and purchases, providing invaluable insights to shape your marketing strategy. Understanding user motivations, favoured app features, and customer segments (geographical location, demographics) allows for a focused marketing approach targeting the intended customer base.

#7 Free Advertisement

Do you want to deal with the hassle and expenses of advertising through traditional channels like newspapers and billboards? Even social media ads can cost you a fortune. Utilizing a mobile application can be a convenient solution to reduce these expenses. According to a recent State of the Internet Report by Mary Meeker, smartphone users now spend 89 per cent of their total media consumption time on mobile apps, with only 11 per cent on the mobile web.


Having your app is important for every business that wants to maintain closer contact with customers and build a user base. Although this approach takes more time, it provides short-term and long-term business benefits, from brand awareness to in-app purchases.

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