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3 Immediate Next Steps to Take After Head-On Collisions

Reading Time: 3 minutes

There are 6 million car accidents every year in the United States. While not all of them are severe, they are all stressful and scary for the people involved.

Do you know what to do after a car accident? When do you call a lawyer after a car accident? Are head-on collisions the worst type of car collisions?

These questions can be difficult to answer right after an accident has happened. Luckily, you can learn about what the car accident next steps are before one happens so that you know exactly what to do if it happens to you.

Keep reading below to learn about what to do following head-on collisions and when you should call a lawyer.

1. Check on Everyone Involved

After a traffic accident, even if it seemed minor, you should always check to make sure that everyone is in good condition. Head-on collisions can be especially dangerous and are considered some of the most serious types of crashes.

You should examine yourself first for injuries or any soreness, as well as anyone else in your car. After this, check on anyone else outside of your vehicle that was involved. You can simply ask them if they are sore or if they have any injuries that they have noticed.

Don’t attempt to treat any injuries if anyone has gotten hurt unless they are in immediate danger. Instead, call for emergency services.

2. Call the Emergency Number

This step is only required if someone has been hurt or the police are needed. However, if you do need to contact emergency services, you need to do it as soon as possible.

Do you call the police for a car accident? Generally, it is a good idea to contact the police at the non-emergency line if you don’t have any serious medical or safety concerns. They may tell you just to exchange information with the other drivers, but they may send an officer to help you out just in case – it all depends on the situation.

If you don’t have a mobile phone on you, ask others if they have one to call. If not, you may need to leave your vehicle and go look for help even if you are still able to drive. Leave your vehicle at the scene.

3. Take Photos

As you’re waiting for emergency services (or if you don’t need to contact them), you can take some photos of the scene. Be sure to take photos or videos of any damage from different angles. You will also want to take photos of injuries if they are visible.

If you don’t have your phone with you, you can also write down information to help you later. This would include license plate numbers, driver’s license numbers, insurance information, and the first and last names of others involved. This information will be important to tell the police, but when you hire a lawyer next, you’ll also want to provide them with everything you collected.

If you were involved in a trucking accident, you may need to collect additional information, including the company that they work for and what type of cargo they are carrying. You can get in touch with the Sweet Law Group to learn more about your options between a truck accident and a car accident lawyer if this is the case as well.

Know What to Do After Head-On Collisions

After you experience head-on collisions, you have to make sure that everyone is safe. Once that’s established, you can start to document and plan what your next moves will be with the help of an experienced auto accident lawyer at your side.

Did you find this article helpful? If so, you should be sure to check out some of the other articles on our website to learn more tips that will help you in the future.

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