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10 Tips to a Successful Content Writing Career

Reading Time: 5 minutes

A freelancing content writer is a great home-based job that helps companies create content for their website, pages, youtube channel, email market, product description and an endless list of bullets follows because they’re capable of doing many things. They create the most competent article to boost the product’s image to buyers or viewers.

There’s an increasing demand for good-quality content so it’s never too late to hire someone to do the content writing job for you!

To get started, the most basic thing you should have is the writing skills itself. If you are confident enough and if you assume that your work could go a long way well then, what are you waiting for? Start helping companies out there and show off that you are savvy writing.

As stated, your skills in writing must include organized vivid thoughts that are lined up well and flowing smoothly. Intriguing or interesting contents are also crucial to catch target viewers attention, this is beneficial to the company you are writing for. Then one of the most important is proofreading. Always check for the spelling and if there are grammatical errors that need replacement. 

When working as a content writer, you must always make sure that none of the time given is wasted. Maximize it as much as possible. You must also consider that the company will spend money for your contents so your job is to make them high quality, pure facts, and reliable.

Some of the companies will look into your writing background, but not all of them do. But for instance they do look for your experience or educational background, you may take an informative short course if you do not have a degree in it. This will support your application, and allow you to have a higher chance of getting hired.

Many employers require a few revisions before posting your final work, and that is fine and completely normal. If they look deeply into your work, that could mean they are really interested in your pieces or they want you to improve so you could work with them longer.

And also a little side note, if you think writing loads of content in a day is not your niche, maybe this job isn’t for you. But if you do love writing, then let us proceed to Effective tips of becoming a content writer you may not know of!

What are the devices you need to have to get the work done?

Basic! Desktop or laptop, Microsoft word or google docs, skype account for communicating with the client, and a manager for your tasks such as trello. These will carry out coordinated work and will manage your time well.

Now that you realize that you have all the devices and the skills needed, you can now find a company that is capable of nurturing you, and your pieces. Websites where you can look for a freelance job are listed below:

  1. Fiverr
  2. Upwork
  3. Dormzi
  4. Toptal
  5. LinkedIn
  6. SimplyHired
  7. Guru
  9. ServiceScape
  10. TaskRabbit

These are just some of the websites, maybe you can find something bigger than these websites that I don’t know of. You may also apply to hefty companies such as magazines and other advertising companies.

If you managed to pursue content writing  until you are hired, congratulations! I will now tell the secrets of content writing you may not know of. Jot down notes, you might use this in the future!

Find your Niche

Writing thousands of words in one sitting sounds so problematic, right? But not when you write something within your niche. Writing something you are knowledgeable about is easy! All you have to do is recall things you already know about then spit facts or opinion, whichever will help the reader most.

Be Updated on Your Niche’s News

Read an article day by day, the more relevant it is, the better it gets. When you are up to date with all the news regarding your niche, you can offer more timely information to your reader. For example in a digital market. Keep yourself updated about the new strategies and if there are fresh changes in the algorithm of google and other search engines. In that way, you can always update the reader before any other writer does.

Know the Target Crowd

Knowing the target crowd will also make the job easier for you because you know exactly who you are talking to and not spitting generalized information. This also makes the reader stay until the end of the article, because you discuss their area of interest.

Know your Contenders

When you work as a content writer you must know how and why the product you are promoting is better than the other and how it differs from the other usual brands. This engages the customer more because they will start to think that they are going for a brand that surpasses the others.

Write in the Way You Talk

Have you seen a salesman in a supermarket promoting his newly developed kitchenware? They get the customers attention most of the time because the way they talk doesn’t sound robotic and scripted. That works in content writing as well. If you sound like a programmed robot when explaining technical terminologies, the readers will get bored! Write in the ways you talk so you can sound more natural and comprehensive as well.

 Headturner Header

Creating a header that will catch your reader’s attention is not a clickbait, it is a strategy which works when done well! But remember that A good article shouldn’t only contain a good header but a good quality content with consistency also.

Create an Outline

Having an outline is crucial in writing. Nobody wants to read a cluttered piece of work. That would give your reader a headache, or they might not even scroll further the article you wrote. Always make sure that before writing the article, you already planned how the flow of the content will go.

Do you Research

Readers want an article which is fact checked and reliable. You want to keep your work researched base, and search from trusted websites and authors. This works! Tell your readers about the research you found and they will be waiting for more of your writings because you are a dependable writer.

Create a Solution, Not Criticism  

Create solutions for your readers’ problems, do not add up as an additional problem to them. They landed on your page because they are seeking solutions and you are there to give them that. Provide useful solutions with credible sources to be relevant.

Proofreading and editing

Always proofread and edit before considering your work is done. There might be more errors and misspelled words than you think the work may have. Check out free grammar checking apps to make the job easier for you. This will not only increase your reliability but the traffic you’ll get as well, because a well composed article is a worth reading article.

Create impressive content to turn every reader’s head. Make them come back for more. Remember traffic crawls up to your website organically by providing the best quality of work. Valuable works come from the habits you have within yourself. I advise that now, after reading this, enhance your skill because it will carry great change eventually.

There’s always a pressure on content writers and that won’t change, what should change is our perspective in every aspect and in every possible content because that is what we do. We read, and then we write to inform as our way of content.

Effective content writing doesn’t happen in a snap of a finger. You, yourself should take your time in learning and honing your skills. There are activities out there that may increase your speed of development such as reading, reading, and reading more daily. Consume as much data as you can, you can release all of those in different contents you might write.

Practice writing whenever you can, this is proven by other writers! Staying committed is also one of the fundamentals to keep on learning. Not losing your interest is a difficult task however it is helpful for your career as a writer. Invest your time and effort on wholesome things, learn all the things you might need on your niche, when all of them ripen, you will sow a good fruit. That’s for sure!

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